Mathematical concepts and standards that can be met include:
Download the music and math lesson plans to show how to use integrate music into math and meet standards. This lesson plan can be used at multiple grade levels to teach various mathematical concepts. The music and math lesson plan I am providing is based on students listening to musical excerpts, analyzing them, and counting or clapping along with them to identify beat patterns. Integrating music into math using the musical element of rhythm, students get to participate in math in different ways than they would using just pencil and paper! Music and Math Lesson Plan Using Rhythm Students who participate in middle school music programs have higher test scores than those who do not (Schneider & Klotz, 2000 Whitehead, 2001), and they don’t have the same academic slump that most ninth graders experience (Schneider & Klotz).Howard Gardner’s (1996) work showed that primary grade students exposed to music and art curricula had higher math achievement than students who did not have to opportunity to participate.While researching the benefits of using music to teach math, I was particularly interested to learn the following: There are some good reasons to use keep music in the elementary and middle school curriculum and support it with music math activities.

The Benefits of Using Music to Teach Math Download a Music and Math Lesson Plan for grades 1–6. Plus, download my Rhythmic Patterns Math Lesson Plan for grades 1–6. In today’s world it is not at all unusual to encounter individuals who have at east some interest in both subjects.Having a degree in music and being a certified math teacher, I’m often asked, “What is the relationship between math and music?” While some of the relationships between math and music can be pretty abstract, I want to share how teaching math through music can be fun and productive, especially when working with the music element of rhythm. Bach studied the mathematical problem of finding a practical way to tune keyboard instruments. The Greek mathematician Pythagoras noted the integral relationships between frequencies of musical tones in a consonant interval the 18th century musician J. Therefore it is not surprising that the symbiosis of the two disciplines is an age old story. Music evokes mood and emotion by the audio medium of tones and rhythms without appealing to circumstantial means of eliciting such innate human reactions.

Mathematics attempts to understand conceptual and logical truth and appreciates the intrinsic beauty of such. It has been observed that mathematics is the most abstract of the sciences, music the most abstract of the arts. Louis, the notes of which have evolved into this book. In this way the relationship between mathematical reasoning and musical creativity, and the way humans grasp and appreciate both subjects, became a matter of interest that eventually resulted in a college course called Mathematics and Music, first offered in the spring of 2002 at Washington University in St. Over the years, however, I slowly came to understand that there is, at the very least, a positive, supportive coexistence between mathematics and music in my own thought processes, and that in some subtle way, I was appealing to skills and instincts endemic to one subject when actively engaged with the other.

For years they appeared to be independent non-intersecting interests one did not lead me to the other, and there seemed to be no obvious use of one discipline in the application of the other. Mathematics and music are both lifelong passions for me.